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- Can you believe it before you see it?
Can you believe it before you see it?
This is key to getting what you want in life.
Can you believe it before you see it?
It’s surprising how often I am reminded that you must believe it before you see it.
Faith in the unseen is a skill that few take the time to develop, however…
Those who build the skill seem to always come out on top.
Kinda like one of my clients, Amber.
Just last week, she scored a 1.6 million dollar contract as a professional driver.
We place a very strong focus on building what I call “The Vibe Mindset.”
It’s making “Feeling is the secret” her driving force throughout every day.
In the past, Amber had little belief and her emotional state was often fear, anxiety, doubt, and tons of worry.
Her lack of belief was killing her vibe.
So what BIG impact does this simple mistake have?
It’s quite simple…
Your vibe is your energy and your energy either attracts or repels.
The “Old Amber” who didn’t believe lived by a narrative many people have that kills their vibe…
“I’ll believe it, when I see it.”
Her belief and her narrative were lowering her vibe and bringing her energy down with it.
The few potential sponsors who responded to her emails never pulled the trigger.
Likely because something felt, “off” with the deal.
That something was Amber’s energy.
Feelings are contagious and when your vibe is off, you tend to repel your desires more than attract them.
When Amber hired me, we immediately realized her vibe was off and not in alignment with her desires.
We worked 5 days/week on managing her focus, being intentional, and creating evidence for her to believe it before she sees it.
The BIG payoff came just last week when Amber secured a 1.6 million dollar deal to compete in 2024.
Like Amber, you MUST believe it before you see it.
This inspired me to create a video on the topic to help you believe it before you see it.
Watch the video to believe in the unseen!
If you want help raising your vibe and elevating your emotional state without a 22-module course and in just 2-3 minutes a day, reply to this email and I’ll tell you more.
Dr. Jay Cavanaugh
Mental Performance Coach at Thevibemindset.com